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2557 McPherson Church Road
Dallas, GA

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Goat-milking, animal-rescuing, egg-collecting, gardening, baking, canning, soapmaking homesteader.

Our work



Brambleberry Acres Farm is a family-owned and operated farm located in Dallas, Georgia. We started Pumpkinvine Creek Farm in 2013, and after 8 years on just over 6 acres, we outgrew our space and decided to move. We found a property just down the road and now have 62 acres and a new name! Brambleberry Acres was established in 2021 and we have since made massive amounts of progress to clear the land, fence in acres and acres of new pastures and set up new barns, outbuildings and coops! This property is an absolute dream come true and allows all of our well-deserving rescues to live out the rest of their lives on beautiful lush, green pastures!


Now that we are here, we have been blessed to rescue large animals, which was not possible at the last property due to the limited space. We've introduced cows and have had a few horses come though that we've rehabbed and rehomed. Because I'm a private rescue and not funded in any way, I can only allow a couple new animals at a time, so if you are needing to rehome an animal due to any circumstance, please understand I may not be able to personally help, but can definitely help find another home!


My name is Emily, and I am the founder of the farm! I'm autistic and animals have always been my special interest. I feel like I have a deeper connection to them than the average person, which allows me to really understand them. I believe every animal has a voice and should be heard, and their needs being met is the most important thing to me.


I became a certified master dairy goat herdswoman back in 2013 in an effort to not only keep my goats as healthy and happy as possible, but also to teach others how to do the same. Goats are not that easy to raise, especially in the south, as they are susceptible to diseases caused by wet and humid weather. If you're interested in learning from me, check out my services!


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